Youth Pickleball Session V

The FINAL Abington Middle (grades 5-8) School Pickleball League Session V begins Monday, April 4th - Monday, April 25th.

Session V runs for four weeks and concludes with our third tournament. The cost is $40. 

If you have questions, please contact our Pickleball Coordinator, Anastasia at or 570-586-4030.

To register for Session V please call 570-586-4030. Pre-registration is preferred. In addition, we are looking for parent volunteers to help facilitate gameplay. If you are able and willing to volunteer, please let Anastasia know.

Online Registration Directions:
1. Click the "register online" link
2. Complete fields under "Access My Account"
** Please use the email provided to us and your child's name
3. Follow the remaining prompts

We hope to see you in Session III! New players are welcome as well!

Anastasia and Elizabeth


Tournament Tough Update


High School Challengers on Thursday’s